
zushi puzzle

wanted to share some snapshots of a recent visit to zushi puzzle last month. i love this place. my wallet doesn't.

only sit at the bar. 8 stools. choice cuts. and chef roger dodger is quite the character.
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a fantastic array of toro, salmon, trout and arrowjack. one of the reasons i go to zushi puzzle is the availability of regional varieties. can you discern the taste and textural differences between hawaiian and japanese arrowjack? you will after chef roger takes care of you.
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flying fish sashimi. fresh. sweet. clean. firm. we watched chef roger filet this one just for us. yes, those fins are real. the "wing span" was about 1.5 feet across.
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kobe beef. ribeye cut. grade A1. over $100 a pound.
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kobe beef remix. $10 a piece.
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other goodies to get. butterfish. crab remix. a sampling of different toros. or better yet, tell chef roger to do whatever he will with you. he's never disappointed me. although my credit card disagrees. =)


r said...
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r said...
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Anonymous said...

seeing the flying fish dish made me want to vomit...then cry. you're evil.